Goldilocks & the 3 Bears Fairy Tale // Ep 17

Each month here on the In Flow + On Fire podcast all episodes are centered around a specific myth or fairy tale and how it relates to modern life and challenges.

This month we’re focusing on the “Goldilocks & the 3 Bears” fairy tale, which will help us explore the themes of choice and finding what’s “just right” for us.

Listen in to this episode to hear me reading my favorite version of the fairy tale, “Goldilocks & the 3 Bears” by Jan Brett.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a classic fairy tale about a little girl who enters the house of three bears and tries their porridge, chairs, and beds. She finds the perfect fit in the smallest bear's belongings but is discovered by the bears. She escapes and is never seen again.


The Liberation of Women's Choices with Rebecca Simmons (Goldilocks Series) // Ep 18


The Power of the Selkie Myth for Modern Times with Maxine Hanks // Ep 16