Re: How I Got Here (& Rising Up from Hitting “Rock Bottom”)

Have you ever felt like you hit “rock bottom” in your life? That “end of the rope” place is so painful & scary.

I’ve had some tough times over the years, but this past year broke my heart 💔 deeply. With so many dark days I really had to stretch & ask tough questions to rebuild my life.

Last May I lost my job
(A job I dearly, fiercely loved).

It’s only taken me 13 months to be able to finally tell a bit of this story publicly.

Why? Largely because my identity was SOOO WRAPPED up in my career. Also, because the way this all happened was so hurtful (with people I trusted & loved betraying my trust).

However, I am ultimately so grateful that these challenges helped me step more fully into my joy zone.

It helped me re-clarify what matters most.
It helped me grow into a more compassionate human.
And thankfully, it helped me take my art more seriously.

I’m excited to see where life goes from here. It’s already surprised me so much in what’s possible.

I’m also incredibly grateful for those who have stood by me this past year (& beyond). Your support means more than words could ever fully express. Thank you deeply, madly & truly.

Sending this story out as a way of honoring my path & story.

Hoping it might inspire someone out in this wild world of ours to keep your faith in the goodness in life (even when life gets ugly).

We need your light.
Don’t give up. 💕


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Drawing Horses